Fitness! "the quality of being suitable to fulfil a particular role or task". As you can ascertain from this statement, fitness can mean very different things to different people. Most people are aware they need or want to be fitter but don't always seem to know exactly in what way or how. My personal definition of fitness is having a body which is ready and prepared to instantaneously perform any physical demand or task which ensures survival! Whether that be to be able to sprint, run, jump, climb, crawl, swim, lift or fight (last resort!) as well as denoting healthy joints, muscles, spine, heart, lunges and other internal organs.

Fitness can mean many different things to different people, for some it could mean being able to take a leisurely walk for an hour without feeling tired or out of breath, or even just having the energy to make it through their hectic day without being dependent on sugary 'pick me ups' or multiple cups of coffee. A common paradigm that I would like to clear up here is the dated misconception that fitness is determined solely based on your cardiovascular capacity or endurance such as the ability to run or cycle long distances without fatigue setting in too early. Whilst cardiovascular fitness is a very important component, there are other components which should be considered just as important such as strength, flexibility and neuromuscular ability to name a few.  My goal as a Personal Trainer is to determine what level you are currently at and then systematically take you through the necessary steps (excuse the pun!) safely and effectively.

