Well I thought I'd better write something to cover the weight-loss (or fat-loss to be more precise) phenomena seeing as it seems to be one of the number one reasons many people employ the services of someone like myself. One of the topics I am mainly going to cover briefly is diet as this, as I am sure you are probably already aware, is one of the main keys. I should start by saying that I am NOT a Dietitian or a Nutritionist. Diet/nutrition is a very diverse subject and like exercise - there is no one-size fits all answer to dietary issues.
I feel that there are a lot of very under-qualified so-called 'professionals' out there who dispense unfounded dietary advise to their clients and members of the public, based on their own subjectivity. So to try to avoid being one of them, I have listed some fundamental & universally accepted principles to either enlighten you or refresh your memory to help you with your weight/fat loss goals:
- Eating Times - A very common pattern which occurs regularly with over-weight people is the times of day that they are eating - often they are skipping breakfast, having just a sandwich of some sort for lunch and then a big meal in the evening amongst sugary 'pick me up' snacks & coffee throughout the day! Eating a big, calorific meal late at night and washing it down with a glass of wine (or two) or a couple of pints is the fastest way to expand your waist-line! Try to have a more substantial breakfast and lunch as well as healthier snacks throughout the day to avoid being so famished by the evening. This also regulates your metabolism properly.
2. Eat Breakfast - Following on from the above - try to make time for breakfast, as the old saying goes - 'breakfast is the most important meal of the day!' Eating breakfast helps set your metabolism and appetite for the day, increasing your metabolism means more calories are burnt in general even at rest - just make sure breakfast doesn't consist of doughnuts or the local drive-through ;)
3. Try to reduce stress - I know it's easier said than done with the fast-paced money-driven modern lifestyle however, making attempts to minimise stress levels will really help your waist-line and as an added bonus - may help you live a bit longer ..... when you're under too much mental/emotional stress, your body goes into 'fight or flight' mode, which triggers your body to release more of a hormone called cortisol which will break down healthy muscle tissue as well as increase your fat reserves as a defense mechanism. If you're in this mode too much too often, it can potentially increase your risk of heart attacks, strokes and diabetes long-term.
4. Reduce Alcohol intake - I said REDUCE, not cut out! I'm a realist, I know none of us are going to live forever and a lot of people are reliant on 'a few jars' to help them unwind as well as socialise but cutting it down will really help. Most alcoholic drinks are extremely calorific and full of all the wrong types of calories, not to mention the detrimental effects alcohol itself has on your hormones.
5. Don't get caught up in Fad diets - Weight-loss achieved from Fad diets is often short-lived and usually further imbalances the body long-term. I'll write a separate article as to why this is but the take-home message here is to stick to a sensible, balanced diet high in protein, good fats, moderate carbohydrates & plenty of vegetables.
More No-nonsense weight-loss tips to come soon.